MGUG is honoured to have the Mayor of Brandon, Shari Decter Hirst, welcome delegates to the 2014 Conference with opening remarks. Diamond and Conference keynote sponsor TECTERRA is bringing Dr. Joseph Berry, a leading consultant and educator in the application of GIS technology and a writer of over 200 papers on the theory and application of map analysis techniques, to be one of our keynote speakers. Dr. Berry will be presenting on the ‘Future Directions of Map Analysis and GIS Modelling’ and on ‘GIS in Natural Resources and Agriculture’. A second keynote by Michael Luchia will explore the role of GIS in the 2013 Calgary flood and Dr. James Boxall will provide an update on the Pan-Canadian Geomatics Strategy. The Conference will also feature student contest winners, the 2014 MGUG Award recipient and a variety of additional presentations that we think will all inform and inspire you. A vibrant vendor display area is also expected.

MGUG is also excited to be displaying the Canadian Geographic’s giant ‘Canada from Space’ floor map during the Conference. With a dimension of 10.7m (35’) x 7.9m (26’), this huge Canada map of RADARSAT-2 imagery is guaranteed to be popular.
Finally, if you’re interested in attending an informal pre-conference mixer the evening of September 30th, please join us between 5 – 8 pm at the Victoria Inn Hotel lounge.
For additional Conference information as well as registration details, please visit the MGUG website at
Today's post is brought to you by:
Tony Viveiros, GISP
MGUG President