Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Welcome to the Manitoba GeoBlog

Welcome to the initial posting of the Manitoba GeoBlog – a GIS / Geomatics Blog for Manitoba.

This blog is dedicated to the GIS / Geomatics community in Manitoba, Canada.   The primary focus will be news, events and people of interest to users in Manitoba.  It is intended to complement the good work of the Manitoba GIS Users Group (MGUG) through its web-site, newsletter, workshops and conferences.  This blog will generally not be technical.

The Manitoba GeoBlog will be open and freely discussing any technology or event and is definitely not vendor specific.   Mostly it will be current events and what’s going on.  There will be the occasional historical piece.   I feel it’s important to know a little bit about how we got here.   And yes, you may (will) be subjected to my personal opinion.  With all the happenings from GeoManitoba and MGUG, the atmosphere in Manitoba is the most positive it has been in years so I do not expect that I will rant … at least not for a little while.

As you can see, I am using Blogger to host the GeoBlog which should keep expenses down.   Let me know if there are any issues or problems.

While the GeoBlog is still new the frequency of postings may be higher, but once things settle down, I am targeting two postings per month.  There may be more at times … such as when there is a MGUG event approaching.

So subscribe and/or check back often.  Ideas for future blogs, comments and recommendations for guest bloggers are always welcome

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